Thursday, September 25, 2008

Learning Pyramid Rant

Many educational institutions at least know about the pyramid and are actively seeking to push their education 'downwards' (even as they continually battle the tempation to do nothing but lecture).

But do you not get the feeling that churches don't want WANT to reach the 'bottom' of the pyramid? We're barely at 'Practice By Doing', aren't we?

And what kinds of 'Demonstrations' are we providing?


Alex Tang said...

hi alwyn,

I am not sure that the church and some theological educational institutions are aware of the learning pyramid.

Anonymous said...

and yet don't they teach the 'philosphy of education' in seminaries? I recall a certain Howard Tan from STM (or MBS) sharing this with my church many years back...

because it's the *philosophy* which should ultimately create change-waves in church thinking/edu